Welcome to Seafood Savvy!

Though I have written about other things in my long career as a freelance writer and cookbook author (such as salty snacks, hops and wild mushrooms), seafood has been a relatively consistent theme through the years. I’ve focused on delicious things from the sea in magazine articles, recipe development, cookbooks, cooking classes and other projects. And it all started by jumping in with both feet: my first job post-culinary school was at Simply Seafood magazine, where I started as food editor and became managing editor.

Fast forward to today, and I’ve been more deeply engaged in seafood again, thanks to work on my most recent cookbooks: Shellfish (released 2022), Oysters and Crab (both released 2016). As I was finishing the latest, I realized how very many stories, ideas, recipes and adventures there are to share, well beyond what even three cookbooks can cover. Not to mention, of course, the whole world of finfish out there.

With Seafood Savvy I’ll be sharing an array of information, perspective and insights about seafood. Sure, a lot of it will be culinarily practical: tips for buying, storing and handling seafood, standard cooking techniques, great places to buy seafood, ideal equipment and favorite seafood-enhancing pantry items. Other content will encompass seafood outside the kitchen: visiting seafood at its source, fabulous meals, interesting people in the business, and other elements that bring fun and inspiration to the seafood party.

What to expect

My plan is to send out a newsletter on or near the first of each month. Each issue will include snippets from among a dozen or so different themes, I’m guessing 4 or 5 most times, maybe more, perhaps sometimes just one if it’s a topic that seems worthy of going solo. As the seafood-related muse so inspires, I may send out additional, perhaps shorter, issues at other times.

For now all issues will be free. I may consider some content to be for paid subscribers down the line.

Why subscribe?

Subscribe so that you’ll never miss an update! And I very much appreciate the support shown by seafood lovers and the seafood-curious with each subscription.

Subscribe to Seafood Savvy

where seafood lovers and the seafood-curious can learn, engage and be inspired for more seafood adventures


I'm a lifelong Seattleite who has spent her career writing about food (plus some beverage and travel themes) in various forms and contexts, with particular affection for seafood, France, all things salty-crunchy, the Pacific Northwest and gin.